- Masters of Arts in Clinical Psychology ~Marriage and Family Therapy~Azusa Pacific University, Azusa, California
- 40-hour State-Certified Domestic Violence Advocate Training~ Laura's House, Orange County, California
- Help Us Grow Safely~Child Sexual Abuse and Prevention Program ~Divine Choices Group Facilitator Training
- Interior Design Certificate~Interior Designers Institute, Newport Beach, California
- Teacher Education/Teaching Credential Courses in English~Secondary and Middle School~ University of West Florida, Pensacola, Florida
- Bachelors of Arts in Engilsh~ Vanguard University, Costa Mesa, California
- Minor in Religion/Religious Studies~ Vanguard University, Costa Mesa, California
LANGUAGES: Tagalog (Filipino dialect), Spanish Skills
- EMDR -trained
- Addiction and Recovery Facility/Inpatient/Outpatient/Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist/Drug and Alcohol Therapist/Trauma Clinician
- Institute of Advanced Studies/Domestic Violence/Human Trafficking Shelter~Licensed Marriage and Family
Therapist/Mental Health Clinician
- Level 12 Residential Facility for Abused Foster Youth/Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist/Crisis Mental Heatlh Clnician
- Los Angeles Mental Health~Bilingual Associate Marrtage and Family Therapist/Intake Mental Health Clinician
- Connecting Mental Health and Education~Community and Victims of Crime~Associate Marrtage and Family
Therapist/Mental Health Clinician/Outreach Coordinator
- Provcorp~Associate Marrtage and Family Therapist/Mental Health Clinician, Case Mangager, Group
- Azusa Pacific University Community Counseling Center~Marriage and Family Therapist Trainee
- Pomona College~Guest Speaker on Anxiety
- Human Trafficking Survivors Foundation~Fundacion Sobrevivientes de Trafico Humano~Volunteer Worker
- CSP~Community Service Program 8-week Sexual Assault Survivors Group~Participant
- Griefshare Group~Recovering From Grief and Loss~Participant
- Women in the Battle~Women Survivors of Spouses/Significant Others Involved in Sexual Addiction~Participant
- The Truth in the Mirror~A Guide to a Healthy Self-Image Group~Karla Downing~Participant
- Coparenting International~Coparenting Works~Helping Your Children Thrive After Divorce Workshop~Tammy Daughtry~Participant
- Pre-Marital Group~The Rock Church San Diego ~Participant
- Celebrate Recovery~Faith-based 12-step Support Group for all Hurts, Hangups, and Habits (Addictions)~Participant
- Divorcecare Group~Recovering From the Affects of Divorce~Participant
- Alcohol/Chemical Dependency Class~Training in Alcohol and Chemical Dependency
- Child Abuse Workshop~Training in Child Abuse Issues
- Depression/Anxiety Group~Participant
- Co-parenting Workshop~County of Orange Courts~Participant
- Women at the Well Abused Women Study Group~Participant
- Hope for Our Marriage Enrichment Program~Participant
- CAMFT~California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists~Member
- FANHS~Filipino American National Historical Society, Los Angeles, California Chapter~Member
My children are the most important aspect of my heart, and I truly enjoy being a part of my children's lives. I have a strong faith in God and believe in spiritual growth and holistic
healing in mind, body, and spirit. I have a strong belief and advocate for mental health and fitness. I am fascinated with different cultures, love reading, thrift shopping,
listening to music, painting theme rooms, and watching food and travel shows.